Thursday, May 14, 2015

One of my goals this year is to learn about blogs and blogging.  As you are reading this Blogger blog called, "CLB-TVCUG", you know I have started my blogging experience.  Currently, I am investigation two free blogging platforms:

1) Blogger, which is owner by Google
2) Tumblr, which is owned by Yahoo

I have two email accounts (gmail and yahoo) so I use the corresponding blog service for each.
I also have a Yahoo Group which I store on-line user information.  It is Yahoo based (you need a yahoo account).  This is the group -


I allows users to post discussions, files, links and have poles of the user base.  You are welcome to join it.
It is a private group so I have to approve membership additions.

My Yahoo email is -

My Gmail address is -

Don McLaughlin

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