Monday, August 31, 2015

Blogger Setting - Using my CLB-TVCUG blog

Blogger has 5 groups of settings which one needs to understand.  This is so that their blogger blog can be arranged to operate as desired.  Having a basic understanding of the options available leads to a better blogging experience.

I will use my CLB-TVCUG blog as an example showings some of the basic settings.

The five blogger settings categories are -

The first category is "basic" and includes the blog title (CLB-TVCUG) , the Blog Address (, and the blog author & email (Donald McLaughlin


The second setting category is the "post and comments".
This includes details about who can comment and if the comments need to be moderated (reviewed).

The third setting category is "mobile and email".  Here you can enable posting via your email (disabled), adding comment notification email ( , and add folks you want to see new posts (provide a list of their addresses in the box).  There are 4 shown in this example.

The forth setting category is "language & formatting".  I chose English and the Pacific Time Zone.  Pretty simple.

 The fifth setting category is "other".  This has the important option to delete your blog.  If you are just trying out blogging as an experiment and are worried that you can't get out of blogging.  This is where you do it.  Remember, however, anything you created could have been saved if you made the blog public.

The setting for "your open ID URL" gives you some protection.
I have selected, "no trusted sites yet".

This summary does not cover all the option but should give you a basic understanding of the most basic options available for a blogger blog.

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