Sunday, February 22, 2015

Creation of my CLB-TVCUG Blog

 Original Post - February 22, 2015

I mentioned to the CLBers at the Friday February 20, 2015 lunch, that I am starting a blog to learn about blogging.  This is that Educational Blog, to be used to help us learn about blogging.  This Blog is based on the Blogger platform, which is owned by Google.  So, if one has a gmail account, it will be better to use that blog platform, as it will have more features.  Google Blogs become part of the domain.

I plan to send email to various CLBer's and hope they try to access this blog.  If they can, they should either comment or post something.  If they are having problems, just send an email to me at:

Video Don 

Updated - March 22, 2017

I now have 6 blogger blogs and 2 Tumblr Blogs.
One of the Tumblr Blogs has become my "main blog' with links to the others and I hope to keep this arrangement for some time (likely all of 2017 and maybe 2018).

The main Blog address is:

1 comment:

  1. This is the second time I am trying to comment, Must be doing something wrong. I get to this page and comment but do not get a response.
