Sunday, February 22, 2015

February 20, 2015 - It begins

Original Post - February 22, 2015

This is the start of a blog to be used to learn about blogging using the platform.
The scope of this and community will start out with the members of our local "Computer Lunch Bunch" known as the CLB.

Most of these folks are computer users in Southern California and have been members of the local computer club know as TVCUG.  The Temecula Valley Computer Users Group. I joined the TVCUG in October of 2003.

I am also learning about using an iPAD and have found Apple products to be a nice addition to my computer collection.  I am an Electrical Engineer who is mainly focused on technology hardware (vs software).
I use software as a tool while software engineers write their own software.

I like the fact that blogs are still free and you can have more than one.  I have tired creating my own web site but find the platforms available now with Blogs are easy to use.

Video Don

Updated - March 22, 2017

The TVCUG meeting have ended and have been replaced by a "second Saturday" gathering for lunch of some of the older members.

There is a new iPADer's monthly meeting (third Monday morning - for breakfast) group which had formed.  I only joined after having and iPAD for some months.  This group is growing a bit and users bring their iPADs with them.  So besides the discussion, there is real time using and help among the users.  The meeting place has a private room for us and free internet access.

The CLB still meets monthly but membership is declining.  It is now more of just a lunch at Sizzlers on the 4th Friday of the month.

I am the only person doing blogging among these three computer related user groups.

Video Don

1 comment:

  1. Hi: Just checking to see if I can make a comment to my own blog.
